Team Rocket

One day, Mr. Mango was watching Pokemon when Team Rocket said their motto in a strange way. Jessie said: ME WANT MANGO TROUBLE! James said SHRIEKING A SHREWISH Chameleon WHEN WE DOUBLE POST!, and Meow said: Trump will eat your pussy. Mr. Mango was scared and was eaten by Surat the Gazump. Trump later built a wall on Team Rocket's messy cruel butts. What happened to Team Rocket? Jessie had to eat a penis, James had to eat a pen, and Meow ate Shrek.
But wait, it isn't the end. Jessie used a drug and dabbed, soon, Jessie fell into a portal, to Lazy town. James fell into a portal into the Shrek world, and Meow teleport ed into Ash's vagina.
Jessie met Robbie, Robbie was singing "We are Number One", Jessie got triggered and punched Robbie in his big fat butt. James saw Shrek having shrex with Donkey. James later punched Donkey and kicked Donkey in the face. Shrek soon got scissors and cut off James's hair. Meowth was so disgusted inside Ash's Vagina. Ash later farted and Meowth fainted. Clement saw Meow and threw him all the way to a factory. Meow got squished in the factory and died. Meanwhile, a portal in Lazy town makes a portal to Five Nights at Freddy's. When James was about to fall off a diving board. A portal made James get sucked into Undertale. Now, James hates Undertale. In Freddy's Pizzeria, she sees- *static sound*
A skeleton later popped out. THE END!